Elections - St. Clair County, Michigan


Election Security and Information

Identifying Mis/Mal/Dis Information                                                                                                     Accessible Voting FAQs

What Challengers Can and Cannot Do                                                                                              Elections and Voting FAQs

What is the Electoral College?                                                                                                           Election Signs FAQs

Election Security in Michigan                                                                                                             Military Voting Rights

Voting Absentee - Do's and Don'ts                                                                                                    Voting at the Polls - Do's and Don'ts



Historical Election Results 

NOVEMBER ELECTION: Link to: November 5, 2024, Election Results

November 2024 Election Statement of Votes Summary

Candidate Filings and Proposals for November 2024

November Public Accuracy Testing in St Clair County Jurisdictions 

November Notice of Registration (Local Office Information/Hours)


Post-Election Audit for November 5, 2024 Election
Wales Township, Precinct 1

February 4, 2025

at 8:30am

Wales Township Hall

1372 Wales Center Rd.

Wales, MI  48027

Precinct & AVCB


St Clair Township, Precinct 1

February 5, 2025

at 8:30am

St Clair Township Hall

1539 S. Bartlett Rd

St Clair, MI  48079


Precinct & AVCB


City of Marysville, Precinct 4

February 5, 2025

at 1:00pm

City of Marysville City Hall

1255 Delaware

Marysville, MI  48040

Precinct & AVCB


Fort Gratiot Township, Precinct 3 AVCB

February 6, 2025

at 9:00am

Fort Gratiot Township Hall

3720 Keewahdin Rd

Fort Gratiot, MI  48059



City of Port Huron, Precinct 3 AVCB

February 7, 2025

at 9:00am

City of Port Huron City Hall

100 McMorran Blvd

Port Huron, MI  48060



China Township, Precinct 2

February 11, 2025

at 9:00am

China Township Hall

4560 Indian Trail

China, MI  48054

Precinct & AVCB


Columbus Township, Precinct 3 EV

February 11, 2025

at 1:00pm

Casco Township Hall

4512 Meldrum Rd

Casco, MI  48064

Early Voting


Clay Township, Precinct 5 EV

February 12, 2025

at 8:30am

Clay Township Hall

4710 Pointe Tremble

Clay, MI  48001

Early Voting



August 6, 2024 Official Election Results

Statement of Votes - St Clair County - August 2024

St Clair County Offices- Certified Write-Ins

Precinct Delegates-Democratic Elected Officials

Precinct Delegates-Republican Elected Officials

Past Elections: election results

Michigan's Elections System

Of the eight states that administer elections on the local level, Michigan is the largest state both in terms of its population and geography to do so.  Involving 83 county clerks, 280 city clerks and 1,240 township clerks, Michigan's elections system is administered by 1,603 county and local election officials making it the most decentralized elections system in the nation.  Michigan is one of 20 states in the nation that maintains a township level of government.  The following outlines the public officials, commissions and boards involved in the administration of the elections in Michigan:

  • Secretary of State:  Michigan election law designates the Secretary of State as Michigan's "chief election officer" with supervisory control over local election officials in the performance of their election related duties.
  • Board of State Canvassers:  The Board of State Canvassers is currently composed of two Republican members and two Democratic members.  The Board members are responsible for canvassing petitions filed by candidates seeking federal and state offices, minor parties, and groups that wish to place proposals on the statewide ballot.  The Board members also arrange the ballot wording of the proposals, approve voting equipment for use in the state and certify the result of elections held statewide and in districts that cross county lines.
  • Bureau of Elections:  The Department of States’ Bureau of Elections, located in Lansing, works under the direction of the Secretary of State and the Board of State Canvassers.  The State Elections Director serves as the Director of the Elections Bureau.  The Elections Bureau accepts and reviews petition filings, conducts statewide instructional programs on elections, assists local election officials with their administrative duties, oversees the operation of Michigan's Qualified Voter File system, publishes manuals and newsletters, and monitors legislation affecting the administration of elections.  In addition, the Elections Bureau administers Michigan's Campaign Finance Act and Lobby Registration Act.
  • County Clerks:  the 83 county clerks in the state receive and canvass petitions for countywide and district offices which do not cross county lines and accept campaign finance disclosure reports from local candidates.  In addition, the county clerks are responsible for training precinct inspectors and assisting with the administration of Michigan's Qualified Voter File system.
  • County Election Commissions:  Each of the 83 County Election Commissions in the state is composed of the county clerk, the chief judge of probate of the county or probate court district and the county treasurer.  The Commission members are responsible for furnishing specified election supplies (including ballots) for statewide August primaries, statewide November general elections and special primaries and elections held to fill vacancies in federal, state and county offices.  In addition, the Commission members are responsible for holding hearings to determine the clarity of the wording used on recall petitions.
  • Boards of County Canvassers:  Each of the 83 Boards of County Canvassers is currently composed of two Republican members and two Democratic members.  The Board members are responsible for canvassing the votes cast within the county they serve.  The Board members certify elections for local, countywide and district offices that are wholly contained within the county they serve.  The Board members are also responsible for inspecting the county's ballot containers every four years.
  • City and Township Clerks:  City and township clerks maintain the registration records for their respective jurisdictions and are responsible for administering all federal, state, county and local elections.  Many city and township clerks have direct online access to Michigan's Qualified Voter File system.  The remaining clerks share the QVF resources available on the county level.
  • City and Township Election Commissions:  A City Election Commission is composed of the city clerk, the city attorney and the city assessor unless otherwise provided by charter.  In a general law township, the Township Election Commission is composed of the township clerk, the township supervisor and township treasurer.  In a charter township, the Township Election Commission is composed of the township clerk and two township trustees.  City and Township Election Commission members are responsible for establishing precincts, assessing voting equipment needs, providing election supplies (including ballots), appointing precinct inspectors and carrying out other election related duties for the respective jurisdictions.
  • City and Township Boards of Canvassers:  City and Township Boards of Canvassers, where established, are currently composed of two Republican members and two Democratic members.  The Board members are responsible for canvassing elections conducted by the local jurisdiction.

In-Person Early Voting

  • In November 2022, Michigan voters overwhelmingly approved a constitutional amendment that gives voters the right to vote early and in person at early voting sites before statewide and federal elections.  Local clerks may choose to hold Early Voting for local elections.
  • An early voting site is like a polling place where voters can cast a ballot prior to Election Day, during the early voting period. Voters from more than one precinct, city, or township may be assigned to a single, shared early voting site.
  • The early voting period takes place for a minimum of nine consecutive days, ending on the Sunday before an election.(Note:  Early Voting is not available the Monday before the regular election day.)
  • Early voting sites must be open for at least eight hours each day during the early voting period.
  • Early voting site locations, dates, and hours are available 60 days prior to Election Day at Michigan.gov/Vote.

St Clair County Early Voting Information

Contact your Local Clerk for voting information or to request an absentee ballot.   At Michigan Voter Information Center MVIC  you can look up your ballot prior to any election.  See this Voter Registration Application or register online at Michigan.gov/Vote.

Want to work at the polls?

Precinct Election Inspector (Election Workers):

  • Have you considered working at the polls as a Precinct Election Inspector?  Registered voters interested in serving as election inspectors must submit an Election Inspector Application to a city or township clerk of your choice or to the St Clair County Clerk's Office at elections@stclaircounty.org.  You can find your local contact information at this link: Local clerks.  In addition to your name, address and date of birth, applicants must include their political party preference and qualifications to fill the position, such as education or experience.  Mandatory training is required prior to serving and then training is required every two years thereafter.  
  • Click here to visit some election training resources and videos.

Meeting Notices


Date, Time  


Location Suite 1100
Address St Clair County Courthouse
201 McMorran
Port Huron, MI 48060


          State and US Congressional Positions and Terms

Apportionment of County Commissioners 2021

Apportionment Prop-1 2021

Campaign Finance

Campaign Finance Disclosure Reporting information click here

- St Clair County Campaign Finance Committee Search click here

Citizen-Initiated Petitions

  • These are Amendments or Ordinances proposed by members of the public via a citizen-circulated petition for signatures and submitted to the appropriate jurisdiction for certification and placement on the ballot.  Qualifying petitions appear on the ballot for voter approval in either a Primary or General Election.
  • The Clerk's office has blank petition forms available for circulation.  Petition sponsors are encouraged to seek legal counsel with respect to the initiative petition drive and Michigan election law requirements.
  • All signers of the petition must be registered voters in the applicable jurisdiction.
  • Circulators must ensure that all five columns are completed by each petition signer and they must witness each signature.  Petition sheets may not be left unattended.  A circulator or a petition signer cannot sign for another person.   The circulator must complete the circulator’s certificate after collecting signatures.  A certificate that is signed and dated prior to circulation is invalid.
  • Petitions for local issues are filed in-person with the local jurisdiction.
  • At the time of filing, the petition must appear on its face to meet the number of required signatures and comply with State guidelines.  The correct number can be obtained by the local jurisdiction Clerk’s office.  At the time of filing, petition sheets will be counted and numbered and a cursory review of each sheet will take place in front of the petition submitter to determine that the filing appears to be complete.  A receipt will be provided.
  • Signatures are checked and recorded electronically by the clerk’s office via the State of Michigan’s QVF (Qualified Voter File) system.  In the case of duplicate signatures both the original signature and all duplicates will be discarded.
  • Signatures dated more than one year prior to the filing of a Charter amendment petition will not be counted.
  • In accordance with Michigan Election Law, the filing deadlines are two weeks before the 12th Tuesday prior to the Primary or General Election (MCL 168.646a). Petitions can be submitted anytime up to the final deadline.  However, filing on the legal deadline may not allow enough time for certification for the upcoming election.  See below.
  • By law, the City Clerk has up to 45 days to certify a citizen-initiated petition. To ensure that the initiative will appear on the next available election date, the City Clerk's Office recommends that petitions be turned in at least 45 days in advance of the final certification deadline. The Attorney General of the State of Michigan has also requested that local clerks provide between 60-90 days for their review of the language.
  • Supplemental signatures will be accepted, if necessary, up to the final filing deadline for the upcoming election. However, no supplemental signature(s) will be accepted if it is dated more than 1 year after the first qualifying signature in the original filing (i.e. no rolling off old signatures to add new ones). In addition, supplemental petitions must meet the same State guidelines as the original filing.
  • It is recommended that a significant buffer be submitted at the time of the original filing to prevent the need for supplemental signatures late in the process.

Local Voting Information

- St. Clair County Clerks:  List of your local city/township clerks

- Voting Information:

Absentee Voting:

  • There are several ways to request an absentee ballot:
    • Go to MIchigan.gov/Vote and fill out the online form. You can now also sign up for notices to receive updates on the status of your Absentee Ballot at Michigan.gov/Vote as well.
    • Download an application and return it by mail or in person to your city or township clerk.
    • Call your city or township clerk and request that an application be mailed to you.  Link to Absentee Ballot Applications
    • Visit your city or township clerk's office in person.  You wil be asked for photo ID or to sign an affidavit.
  • Online and mail requests for an absentee ballot must be received by your city or township clerk no later than 5pm the Friday before the election.
  • If you are already registered at your curent address, you can request an absentee ballot in person at your clerk's office anytime up to 4pm on the day prior to the election.
  • If you plan to vote absentee, request your absentee ballot as early as possible.  Applications can be submitted up to 7 days before an election.
  • Submitting your absentee ballot:
    • Mark your ballot and be sure to sign and seal the return envelope.

    • Your completed absentee ballot must be received by your city or township clerk by 8pm on Election Day.

    • You can submit by mail or by hand-delivering the ballot to your clerk’s office or their drop box.

    • If you are returning your ballot within two weeks of Election Day, hand-deliver your ballot to your clerk’s office or drop box to avoid possible postal delays.

    • You can cast your absentee ballot at our early voting site or at your polling place on Election Day.

Polling Locations (Precincts):

Sample Ballot (upcoming election):

Voter Registration:

  • There are several ways to register to vote in Michigan, including on Election Day, but it is best to register as soon as possible.
  • The deadline to register to vote and be able to vote in an upcoming election is 15 days before the election if you are registering by mail, online or at a location other than in person with your city or township clerk.  You can register to vote at your local city or township clerk during business hours up to Election Day.  You can register to vote on Election Day up until 8 p.m. in your city or township clerk's office with proof of residency and vote that day.
  • Registering to vote on Election Day:  Michigan law allows same-day voter registration.  You can register to vote and vote in person at any time up to 8pm on Election Day at your city or township clerk's office.  You will need to bring your proof of eligibility and residency:
    • Proof of eligibility:
      • A Michigan resident and resident of your city or township for at least 30 days when you vote
      • A US citizen
      • At least 18 years of age when you vote
      • Not currently serving a sentence in jail or prison
    • Proof of residency (You must show proof of where you live.  Documents must have your name and current address.  You can show a digital copy of documents.):
      • Michigan driver's license or state ID
      • Current utility bill
      • Bank statement
      • Paycheck or government check
      • Other government document
  • Click here to learn more about registering
  • Download registration (and change of address) form and mail to your local city/township clerk.

Board of Canvass Members

         - Rachael Dickinson     Democrat     Appointed November 2021       Term Expires November 2025

          - Deem Boldyreff          Republican   Appointed November 2021       Term Expires November 2025

          - Yvonne Williams        Democrat     Appointed November 2023       Term Expires November 2027

          - Barry Mugridge          Republican   Appointed November 2023       Term Expires November 2027


St. Clair County Clerk - Elections Division
201 McMorran Boulevard, Port Huron, Michigan MI 48060
Phone: 810-985-2159  • Fax:  810-985-2241
Email: SCC Elections